Developer, UI and UX designer

The whole package

Get in touch

Hi, my name is Johan Carleborn, I’ve been doing web stuff for more then 10 years.

Things I do at work and in my free time

UI Design

A dedicated designer never stops learning. My philosophy centers on humility, coherence, and the recognition that there’s always more to learn. This mindset helps me stay current and continuously evolve.

UX Design

Good design is all about a solid user experience from start to finish, accessible to everyone. I value function above aesthetics, yet I see merging the two as the ideal path. Whether it’s for a product, app, or website, I’m committed to ensuring that nobody feels excluded.


I’m genuinely curious about new technologies and strive to stay updated. For example by listening to podcasts (Syntax).
React, Vue, Svelte, Next, Node, and PHP, to name a few. Over the years, I’ve tried them all… almost. Right now my main focus as a dev is WordPress and Svelte.

Project management

I’ve led projects for nearly a decade now. Transparency and communication is key. In my view, adopting an agile approach is the most effective way to work.


Playing padel

I absolutely love playing padel – like, aaa lot! Been at it for about 7 years. Yes, a couple of years before the big padel boom in Sweden, which I, of course, take great pride in. And guess what? It’s still a blast!



I played most ball sports during my upbringing, with a lot of handball and football. Football was the one that stuck with me, and I still play, but only in the corporate league these days.



Sometimes I go climbing, mostly indoors. I’m not super skilled at it and haven’t done much of it recently, but I’m still a climber at heart.


Drinking beer with friends

Of course, I enjoy going out for beers with my friends every now and then.

Some projects I’m involved with

People I’ve been working with said this

Exercitation duis et officia. Consectetur ipsum ex do ex id. Aliqua deserunt excepteur ad reprehenderit veniam id nisi id et. Nisi ullamco reprehenderit quis laboris excepteur officia nulla ex consequat esse laboris sint.

Hannes Rölander

CEO Torplyktan

Exercitation duis et officia. Consectetur ipsum ex do ex id. Aliqua deserunt excepteur ad reprehenderit veniam id nisi id et. Nisi ullamco reprehenderit quis laboris excepteur officia nulla ex consequat esse laboris sint.

Hannes Rölander

CEO Torplyktan
Exercitation duis et officia. Consectetur ipsum ex do ex id. Aliqua deserunt excepteur ad reprehenderit veniam id nisi id et. Nisi ullamco reprehenderit quis laboris excepteur officia nulla ex consequat esse laboris sint. Nisi aliquip cillum qui id irure nisi occaecat est elit anim adipisicing anim laborum eu. Voluptate laboris nostrud fugiat occaecat voluptate in tempor proident occaecat proident quis ut fugiat elit.

Lorentz Tovatt

Grundare Klimatgranskaren

Exercitation duis et officia. Consectetur ipsum ex do ex id. Aliqua deserunt excepteur ad reprehenderit veniam id nisi id et. Nisi ullamco reprehenderit quis laboris excepteur officia nulla ex consequat esse laboris sint. Nisi aliquip cillum qui id irure nisi occaecat est elit anim adipisicing anim laborum eu. Voluptate laboris nostrud fugiat occaecat voluptate in tempor proident occaecat proident quis ut fugiat elit.

Lorentz Tovatt

Grundare Klimatgranskaren
Lorem mollit Lorem eiusmod voluptate deserunt reprehenderit quis minim amet enim sint aliqua est anim.Veniam est sint duis aliqua id consequat in est irure amet Lorem.

Beatrice Rindevall

Ordförande Naturskyddsföreningen

Lorem mollit Lorem eiusmod voluptate deserunt reprehenderit quis minim amet enim sint aliqua est anim.Veniam est sint duis aliqua id consequat in est irure amet Lorem.

Beatrice Rindevall

Ordförande Naturskyddsföreningen

Got an idea for a charity project?

I’m always interested in helping non profits with zero budget that has an idea for a project that will make the world a better place!

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